Wednesday, August 3, 2016

The Assassination of William Colby

Did author Gore Vidal cleverly reveal the motive behind CIA Director’s “accidental” drowning without actually letting the cat out of the bag in his tribute to Timothy McVeigh in the September 2001 issue of Vanity Fair Magazine, “The Meaning of Timothy McVeigh”?  Even the date of publication, coming as it did on the same month as 9/11, seems to have been divinely inspired.

Vidal, whose historical novels and political essays are no stranger to conspiracies, mentions in the essay a conversation William Colby had with Oklahoma State Senator John DeCamp shortly before the Oklahoma City bombing, regarding his fear that the the American Patriot Movement posed a far greater threat to national security than the antiwar movement, which he blamed for hindering U.S. efforts in Vietnam. 

Colby, a veteran of the Office of Strategic Services during World War II, served twice as CIA Station Chief in Vietnam from 1959 to 1962 and then again from 1968 to 1971.  During the later period he oversaw the U.S. military’s Operation Phoenix assassination program responsible for the deaths of over 26,000 political dissidents in South Vietnam.

Colby was later appointed Director of Central Intelligence by Richard Nixon in 1973, a position that he would hold until his firing by President Ford in the infamous Halloween Massacre of November 1975, which saw a major shakeup of the Ford Administration following two assassination attempts on the President’s life in September.  Both attempts were interestingly carried out by women, who usually aren’t the stereotypical lone nuts. 

On September 5, 1975, Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme, a disciple of the Charles Manson Family, who had been released from prison, attempted to shoot Ford with a hand gun outside the California State Capitol in Sacramento.  He was saved when her pistol misfired.  

Seventeen days later, while in San Francisco, Sarah Jane Moore, an FBI informant, tried again.  After missing her first shot, a former Marine standing nearby managed to jerk her arm causing the second shot to miss.  With that failed attempt went Vice President Nelson Rockefeller’s long cherished dream of ever becoming President of the United States.
A little over a month later, Ford replaced Colby as CIA Director with George H.W. Bush, Secretary of Defense James Schlesinger was replaced by Ford’s Chief of Staff, Donald Rumsfeld.  Rumsfeld’s old job was taken over by his close friend Dick Cheney, and National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger, a protégé of Nelson Rockefeller, was replaced by Brent Scowcroft. Kissinger remained as Secretary of State. In the 1976 Presidential Election, Ford, not surprisingly, dumped Nelson Rockefeller and replaced him with Bob Dole.  For that slight, Nelson’s brother David financed the run of a relatively obscure Governor from Georgia named Jimmy Carter and the rest is history.

Interestingly, before leaving office, the Ford Administration oversaw passage by Congress of the National Emergency Act of 1976, which allowed the President of the United States to suspend all or portions of the U.S. Constitution during a “national emergency.”  It would later be invoked on 9/11, but I digress…

William Colby was last seen alive by neighbors outside his home watering a tree, in Rock Point, Maryland, on the Wicamo River, at 7:15 pm in the evening.  Fifteen minutes earlier he had spoken on the phone to his wife, who was visiting her mother in Houston, Texas.  He said that he was tired from working on his sailboat, was going to shower, fix dinner, and go to bed.  Sometime that evening he disappeared.  His body would be found nine days later, down river, floating in the water.  A tipped over canoe found near his home would be said to be the cause.

Kay Griggs, the wife of a military assassin, Marine Colonel George Raymond Griggs, claimed in an interview with Jeff Rense that Colby was murdered by a combined Navy Seal/Israeli assassination team.  She said that the Seals operating out of Little Creek in Virginia Beach were responsible for Colby’s murder.  She was told this by a friend, whom she only identified as someone from the “Lavender Network.” According to this friend, the seals didn’t know who their target was until after they had committed the crime under orders. 

How high up the chain of the command those orders came from is not known.  Bill Clinton was Commander ‘n Chief at the time. 

Colby’s death was officially presumed to be an accidental drowning, but many including members of his family suspected foul play, that is except for his son Carl Colby, who produced a movie “The Man Nobody Knew: In Search of My Father, CIA Spymaster William Colby, in which he speculated that his father committed suicide out of remorse for his past crimes. 

Carl Colby may be suffering from remorse himself.  He was responsible for presenting legendary Reggae musician Bob Marley with a pair of boots in 1977, with a copper wire in the toe.  When Marley put the puts on, he stubbed his toe, causing an injury that later resulted in his death by cancer four years later.  The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

The boots were given to Marley a week after he had survived an assassination attempt on his life by gunmen firing at his Hope Road compound.

Bob Marley was a supporter of Jamaica’s socialist Presidential candidate Michael Manley, who, as you might imagine, was viewed unfavorably by the wet work teams out of Langley.
As for William Colby’s assassination, let’s call it for what it was, the motives may have been many and varied.  Colby was scheduled to testify before the Senate prior to his death. His candor in previous testimony as CIA Director in 1975, had engendered the wrath of the entire intelligence establishment, when against the wishes of both Kissinger and Rumsfeld he testified before Congress. 

Apparently his candor in answering questions before Congress then wasn’t welcome a second time. 

Colby knew where all the skeletons were buried when it came to assassinations, gun running, drug smuggling, and elite pedophilia rings.  John de Camp, whom Gore Vidal referenced in his piece about Timothy McVeigh, was author of a book about the Franklin Cover-up, which dealt with the subject of elite pedophilia, the tentacles of which went all the way up to the Reagan - Bush White House.

I suspect there was another reason why he was murdered, and why Gore Vidal left a cryptic clue so he himself wouldn’t meet the same fate.  

After making a convincing case that Timothy McVeigh could not possibly have carried out the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building by himself, Vidal cites a leaked Pentagon report contained in the March 20, 1996 issue of Strategic Investment newsletter, which confirmed, what many had suspected, that five separate bombs had been used to bring down the building.  So much for the Ryder Truck packed with fertilizer.

The contributing editor for the British-based Strategic Investment newsletter was, you guessed it, William Colby.  Bingo.  A little over a month later, like Luca Brasi, he was "sleeping with the fishes."

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