Monday, August 1, 2016

Hillary Goddess of War

Back during the Iraq War, when tens of thousands went out into the streets to protest an unjust and immoral war based on lies, someone asked, "Where are the Democrats?"  With the nomination of Hillary Clinton they finally answered that question by backing one of the war's most fervent supporters, Hillary Clinton. Even Donald Trump, not your typical warm and fuzzy peacenik, opposed the war and spoke out against it at the time.

Clinton's criminality goes far beyond her exposing government secrets on an unsecured email server in return for contributions from foreign governments to the Clinton Foundation with whom she, as Secretary of State, was doing business.

You can trace the dead bodies like Vince Foster's and Ambassador Stevens' all the way back to when she and Bill participated in the CIA's guns for drugs operation out of Mena, Arkansas. That was the real crime behind the Whitewater Scandal that even the Republicans in Congress dared not investigate because if they had, it would have led straight to Vice President George H. W. Bush's doorstep.

One of Hillary's clients back in those days was a wealthy Little Rock financier named Jackson Stephens with ties to the NSA. Interestingly Stephens maintained a law office in the sleepy retirement community of Venice, Florida, where some of the 9/11 hijackers would later train at two flight schools operated by Dutch nationals connected to the CIA and drug running.

Prior to President Clinton leaving office, the U.S. military shut down their Able Danger investigation into the movements of four of the 9/11 hijackers, destroying 2.5 terabytes of data gathered on them, which might have foiled the future plot. Was this why Clinton's National Security Adviser Sandy Berger was caught stealing documents from the National Archive, and in one case, even seen eating a document prior to testifying before the 9/11 Commission?

With the Clintons, as with the Bush's, whom they're quantum entangled, there is far more than meets the eye, involving drug running, money laundering and murder connected to the CIA. 

Fast forward to Benghazi, and Hillary Clinton once again is found at the center of an operation transferring arms captured from Qaddafi’s military to terrorists in Syria via Turkey.  The attack on the compound in Benghazi where Ambassador Stevens and three others were killed threatened to expose that gun running operation just months before the 2012 Presidential Election.  I suspect that is why the Obama Administration ordered a stand down, refusing to rescue Ambassador Stevens, his aide and two Navy Seals that died in the ensuing four hour battle. Better to let them die than risk embarrassment before the election.

It would eventually take Vladimir Putin’s intervention in Syria to finally expose to the world the complicity of the Obama Administration with ISIS, something the alternative news community has known and been writing about for years.

Had Hillary Clinton won the Democratic nomination against Bernie Sanders fair and square that would have been one thing, but she didn't. She stole several of the caucuses, including Iowa and Nevada through outright vote theft, and many of the rest through the use of un-elected super delegates appointed by party bosses.  Prior to the release of hacked emails from the DNC by Wikileaks, this was just another conspiracy theory.  Now it’s a conspiracy fact.

Hillary Clinton is a power mad psychopath, warmonger, and puppet of Wall Street and the military industrial complex.  She’s also a major supporter of the most evil corporation in the world Monsanto, which is spreading disease and death through the use of glyphosate, a known carcinogen, and GMOs, which have been shown to cause tumors in lab animals.

There is a reason why establishment conservatives like Jeb Bush, the Koch Brothers, and the Murdoch family, which owns Newscorp, the parent company of Fox News, are backing Hillary.  This election isn’t about left vs. right, it’s about the globalism vs. nationalism. 

This is what is at root behind outsourcing of jobs through free trade agreements like NAFTA, TPP, and TTIP, all of which Hillary supports, despite her recent statements to the contrary.  It’s what’s behind the false flag terrorism and endless wars.  And it is why President Obama and Hillary Clinton have taken us to the brink of World War III to counter the rise of Russia and China, which are threatening the financial dominance of the world by the western central bankers.

All the talk about wanting to help women, children and families is mere fluff calculated to win over the female vote.  Other than “it’s time for a woman in the White House,” and the past glories of the Democratic Party, Hillary doesn’t have much else going for her.  …Well, with the exception of Trump, who seems to be his own worst enemy.

If you ask her supporters to name just one achievement of hers as either First Lady, U.S. Senator from New York, or as Secretary of State they’ll be hard pressed to give an answer.  Even a seasoned politician like Dianne Feinstein had to search Google when asked that question during an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle

There are much bigger stakes in this election. 

Many, including James Corbett of the Corbett Report and Michel Chossudovsky of the Center for Research on Globalization, are warning that if elected, Hillary will take us to war with Russia.  It’s a warning we shouldn’t take lightly.

Hillary is the personification in flesh of the Babylonian goddess Ishtar, whose statue graces the Soldier's and Sailor's Monument on the circle in downtown Indianapolis, under her Roman name "Victory." It has been a site for many protests against the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria. Goddess Hillary, pre-ordained to be America’s first President of the United States, symbolizes that for which the Illuminati value most - a lust for war, and an amoral philosophy in which the ends justify the means.  

With her consort Huma Abedin, whose family are adherents of the Muslim Brotherhood, together they marry the occult traditions of the west with the east, a marriage which helped birth the latest incarnation of the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS.  The true origins of which few are aware.

The Ikhwan, as the brotherhood is called in Arabic, was created by British Intelligence in the 1920s, under the leadership of Hassan al-Banna. The theological tenets that underlay the organization are much older, stemming from Wahabbi Islam, an Islamic heresy, which was also created by the British East India Company in 18th Century to divide and conquer the Ottoman Empire, a feat that would finally reach fruition with the defeat of Turkey in World War I.

During World War II, the Muslim Brotherhood fought on the side of the Nazis.  After the war, as with much of the SS, they were incorporated into the CIA under the auspices of Rockefeller cronies Alan Dulles, John J. McCloy and an Army corporal named Henry Kissinger. 

Like the so-called war on drugs in which the CIA is responsible for bringing in the drugs that the DEA supposedly tries to restrict, the war on terror is equally fraudulent.  It was a gun running operation to terrorists in Syria via Turkey being run out of Libya by the CIA and Clinton State Department that lies at the root of the Benghazi scandal.  As with the Clintons' involvement in Iran/Contra when Bill was Governor of Arkansas, the Republicans won't go there for obvious reasons.  

With Hillary's almost assured victory in November, considering her backing by the leadership of both political parties, the corporate media, and the billionaire class that finances election fraud, the goddess of war seems destined to fulfill her mission set forth by Confederate General Albert Pike, a founder of Scottish Rite Masonry in America, in a letter he wrote to Giuseppe Mazzini.  According to the letter written in 1871, the third world war was to be a "clash of civilizations between the secular west and Muslim east.    Perhaps it’s all fanciful nonsense, but events seem to be playing out as outlined by Pike. 

A few blocks north of the circle stands the pyramid to human sacrifice, the World War Memorial. Further up north, on the left is the Scottish Rite Cathedral.  Should a nuclear cataclysm be unleashed upon the world, it's doubtful these monuments to the Illuminati will be spared, neither will we.

A Trump victory in November offers little solace now that he has a target on his back in the form Mike Pence.  In 2013, when Pence was a Congressman representing Indiana’s 6th Congressional District, he advocated using nuclear weapons against Iran if the U.S. and Iran ever went to war. That, and the fact that he backed lying Ted Cruz in the primaries, isn’t very reassuring.

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