Friday, August 5, 2016

Incident at Trump Tower

What are we to make of a recent report that someone with a handgun tried to break through security and enter Trump Tower? 

An August 2nd story written by Brian Michael for an obscure website, Get off the BS claimed that a man was arrested outside Trump Tower in New York City carrying a handgun fitted with a silencer.  After his fingerprints were taken and submitted for analysis, they turned up to be those of an FBI agent named Barry Lee Bush, who, get this, died in 2007. 

The story showed a stock photo of Barry Lee Bush, along with a picture of a handgun with silencer on it.  Underneath the gun was a caption indicating that it wasn’t the actual weapon. 

The report named an unidentified source inside the NYPD for the story.

Snopes, which is a conspiracy debunker sight that claims to be the last say on all things conspiratorial, was quick to jump on the story as a hoax. 

There the story might have remained, but then, the next day the New York Daily News reported that indeed a man had been arrested and taken into custody, only this time his identity had changed to that of Anthony Shark, a retired NYPD officer, who allegedly worked across the street at Harry Winston Jewelry as a security guard.  According to the account he had a permit to carry a concealed weapon.  Supposedly he was drunk at the time of his arrest.  Apparently he tried to push his way through a “wall” of Secret Service agents guarding the entrance.  The incident took place around 10:00 at night. 

Shark was arrested and taken into custody and held overnight.  The following day, Federal Judge Barbara Moses let him go on his own recognizance.  He was allowed to keep his gun and job across the street.

If the first story was a hoax, who dreamed it up?  Was this a PSYOP to frighten Trump?

All this transpired right around the time the mainstream media was pushing the false narrative that Trump might drop out of the race. 

As readers will recall, in the 1992 Presidential Election between Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush and Ross Perot, Perot dropped out of the race, claiming he had received threats to smear his daughter.  At the time, it all sounded pretty crazy.  Much as Trump is being portrayed as being mentally unbalanced today.

Later a former CIA contract pilot named Gene "Chip" Tatum claimed he had been ordered by President George H.W. Bush to assassinate Perot as part of an operation code named Pegasus.  He resigned instead.  Tatum later informed Perot in writing of the attempt.

Remember President Bush's throat cutting gesture at the G.O.P. debate in Houston, in February, while Donald Trump was speaking.  Jeb had by then already dropped out of the race.  The former President wasn't happy about the way his son had been humiliated by Trump.

The name Barry Lee Bush is suggestive of an amalgamation of Barry Soetoro, Lee Harvey Oswald, and Jeb Bush.  

This is reminiscent of an assassination attempt against President Jimmy Carter back in 1979. President Carter spoke at a rally in California in honor of Cinco de Mayo.  The Secret Service arrested a man carrying a .22 caliber revolver, who was behaving suspicious. He implicated a second conspirator.  Their names were Raymond Lee Harvey and Oswaldo Ortiz. 

Carter cancelled a national address, which he had scheduled prior to his California visit, in which he had promised to make some major changes in government.  Instead he went on to be a mediocre President relegated to one term in office.

Maybe I've watched too many Jason Bourne movies, but what if Barry Lee Bush faked his own death and is actually alive, working as a government assassin?  Considering the original source of the story, it seems convenient that the man later identified as the suspect would turn out to be a former NYPD police officer.

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